“What If…”

Tajinder Kaur
2 min readJan 19, 2021


She stood at the edge of the branch…

Her emotions waging a war inside her…

Two choices lay before her…

She could turn back…

and continue to live the way she had lived

and just keep on dreaming…


She could take a leap of faith and soar high towards her dreams…

There she stood, thinking, what she had always wanted in her life…

To explore what lies beyond the Majestic trees…

How it feels to be free of all the limitations…

All she wanted was to fly high up and up in the sky…

But her self doubt; her Limiting beliefs; always told her:

Your wings are fragile…

Its not safe to venture out in the unknown…

Be in the world you know…

Why risk yourself?

Uncertainty , Fear gripped her …… The protective Little Voice murmured , “WHAT IF YOU FALL?”

Confusion, Nervousness gathered momentum in her mind and she asked herself, “What now?”

The emotions were weighing her down… The first step… The very first step… became the most difficult step.

She moved to take a step back… Her protective Little Voice felt relieved …. She was giving up her dreams and now she would be safe it felt…

She paused… glanced at the Open, Unending sky and the limitless possibilities it held…

The dreams in her Heart gathered courage… Tried to convince her one more time and whispered in her ears


In that defining moment… She overcame her fears… Took a deep breath… Pressed her little feet strongly against the branch… Told herself ,

“ I CAN ! ”

And took a leap ….. Spread her wings …. It was a fraction of second and There She Was… Up in the air… Her dainty, yet steady wings flapping against the wind…

The reassuring whispers of her dreams and her elation … turned to Golden,Sparkling Pixie Dust… That sent her surging towards the Open, Unending Sky…


the Look…

the Glow…

the Radiance on her face…

was saying all…

Her destiny was going to change forever with this Leap of Faith…

To be continued…

